Animated: Cretin, Earth (Lesser)     

Species: N/A. Type: Earth Cretin. Class: Animated. Align: See: "Description". Gender: None.


Level: 19 + 1-D12. Damage-Points: 5-D4 x level.

Number encountered: 1.

Experience-Points: 90 x level.



Awareness: Hearing: 0, Sense of Smell: 0, Sixth Sense: 0, Taste: 0, Touch: 60, Vision: 0,

Charisma -: Appearance: See: "Description". Speech: 0, Constitution: 70, Coordination: 35, Dexterity: 40, Intelligence: 0, Mental-Strength: 0, Strength: 60, Wisdom: 0.



Flying: Can't. Grounded: 10. Swimming: Can't. Can move underwater at a rate of 3 spaces (15') per turn.


Luck: 0.

Oxygen-Points: None (does not need oxygen to exist).

Blood-Points: None (does not need blood to exist).



Earthen Fists - : 2

Damage -------- : 1-D6 (+1-D6 per 2 levels advanced).

Range ---------- : 3 spaces (15').

Attack type --- : Blunt.

Special --------- : Earthen-Root: If the Earth Cretin's offensive roll to strike is +60 over the defender's roll to evade, the defender must successfully pit Strength against the Earth Cretin's (single roll check), or be rooted to the earth, only able to move 1 space (5') per turn for 1-D4 turns. While Earthen-Root is in effect there will be a -15 to defend.


Defense: 40. Offense: 40.


Treasure: %Roll needed to have money and treasure:

02+ for 1-D4 +2 item checks.

Begin rolling on the UnCommon chart.


This creature will have a 20% chance of being found with 1-D6 gems within it. If it does have gems mixed into its earthen body, there will be a 20% chance for each gem to be a "Special Gem". Any special gems it has, that deal with earthen abilities, will increase this creature's abilities. See: "Special Abilities".



Annihilation Strike?: No. Sudden Death Strike?: Yes.

Description:  Eye color: Earthen color. Eye shape: Large and oval. Height: 5' 0".

Length: 20'-0". Skin color: Earthen color. Skin texture: Earthen. Weight: 6,000 Lbs.


The Animated Earth Cretin is a creature made of solely of the elements of its environment; Earth.
As long as it has such connecting elements, it can travel to and fro in and upon the earth as it pleases.


Dislikes ----- : N/A.

Disposition - : This creature is constructed by an Animationist. What commands the Animationist has given this creature, it will carry out. There will be a 75% chance of this animation having no master.


These animations will remain motionless and in place at all times until the directive its creator has
given it has been triggered (i.e., treasure has been taken, a certain area has trespassed, it has been physically touched, etc.). It can be multiple commands (commands which are not given will not be executed by this animation).


If the caster of an Earth Cretin dies, it will become "Stilled", thus it will retain the same disposition its master charged it with while he or she was alive. However, if attacked, this disposition will change to defence, and a fight will ensue. The former commands of the Animationist will be strictly up to the Game Master to decide.


G.M.: There will be a 75% chance of this animation having no master.


Fears -------- : None.

Habitat ------ : Multiple (especially found in dungeons and labyrinths). G.M.: If encountered in a dungeon setting, The floor of the dungeon in that area will be earth-based material.


Immunities - : Other than physical damage (like a weapon strike), only physically damaging spells and Animationist spells can effect this creature.


Life-span --- : Undying creature. This creature's existence never fades.

Likes -------- : If this animation has no master it will be attracted to gems, and will forcefully take them.


Needs ------- : None.

Note --------- : None.


Special Abilities:

Gem Detection: This creature is drawn to gems within 8 spaces (40') on an successful
avoidance-roll vs. "Awareness (Touch)".


Vibration Sense: A creature or moving object that comes within 10 spaces (50'), which is not stealthed (naturally sneaking or using an ability or item to conceal detection) will be detected if this creature rolls a successful Awareness Check (Touch)". Touch = the % chance.


Note: The characteristic of Touch is how this animation sees (it is its vision). This creature has an acute sense of feeling, and is drawn to, the vibrations of both surface creatures walking upon the ground, and those flying by way of body movement (i.e., the flapping of wings, even the accelerated beating of the heart once it has already detected a creature, the wind in sails, Etc.). It is drawn to such disturbances.


Special Defenses:

Damage-Reduction: 6 to physical attacks.


Natural stone body: %Roll needed to turn certain attacks:

Acid -------- : Immune.

Blunt ------- : 70+

Cold -------- : Immune.

Electricity - : Immune.

Fire --------- : Immune.

Needle ----- : Immune.

Sharp ------- : 80+


Special Offenses:

See: Earthen-Root in Attacks (above).


Susceptibilities: None.

Weapon susceptibility: Rank-3 (or better) magical weapon to harm.